Eucalyptus - essential oil with various properties?

Eucalyptus - essential oil with various properties?

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Do you know what eucalyptus smells like?

You can find it in your chest rub or muscle relaxation cream or even mouthwash. You may have even picked up a refreshing sniff of it at your favorite spa`s steam sauna. It`s been used for a long time to help coughs, colds, and sinus congestion, there are many other health benefits of eucalyptus oil that you may not know of. So just what else is eucalyptus oil used for?

The list is long. Eucalyptus oil can relieve your allergies, ease headaches and pain, ward off mosquitos, combat stress, treat wounds and burns, disinfect your home, and even help with skin and hair conditions like acne, dandruff, and lice. Plus many more. This essential oil does pretty much everything. It’s easy to see why it’s one of those must-have multipurpose home remedies!


It`s probably one of the best essential oils you’ll ever find. Extracted from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, it originated in Australia where the Aborigines first used it as a remedy for fever, as well as for wounds, infections, aches, and colds. Because of this, eucalyptus is often referred to as the Australian fever tree.

Like most essential oils, eucalyptus oil contains many natural components, the most important being 1,8 cineole which gives the oil its distinctive scent and medicinal properties. A potent antimicrobial, eucalyptus is a true multipurpose oil that works against bacteria and viruses - which is why it’s so good for colds and other respiratory ailments - as well as fungal infections. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic which reduces any redness, swelling, and pain while promoting wound healing. Plus, its powerful antioxidant properties help protect the body against free radicals that can lead to many diseases.

It`s also an effective bug repellent and a home disinfectant too. As it’s so potent and strong, eucalyptus essential oil must always be used with caution, so taking care to dilute it properly, avoiding swallowing, and not using it on young children under the age of 6, is the key to using it safely and effectively.


1. Relieves a cough, cold, and sinus problems

There’s a good reason why eucalyptus is included in so many remedies such as vapor rubs, cough drops, and nasal inhalers. As a powerful anti-inflammatory and decongestant, it loosens phlegm and clears congestion to reduce sinus pressure and allow for easier breathing. Its cooling and soothing properties also help relieve uncontrollable coughing. Eucalyptus oil has even been shown to help with bronchitis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

TIP! Place 1 or 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a bowl of hot water. Throw a towel over your head and breathe deeply for 5 to 10 minutes. Otherwise, add 3-5 drops to 100g Epsom salt and have a warm bath and breathe in its healing vapers while you relax.

2. Controls allergies Studies have shown that inhaling eucalyptus oil can quickly and meaningfully reduce the symptoms of hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or an energy-sapping condition when the seasons change.

TIP! Diffuse 2 drops of eucalyptus oil with 2 drops of tea tree and 2 drops of lemon essential oil.

3. Helps reduce symptoms of flu and fever As a natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain reliever, applying eucalyptus oil as a chest and body rub can help reduce many flu symptoms and bring down a fever. Better not to use it on kids under the age of 6, because it can give an allergic reaction to some kids' skin and it`s very strong for kids' skin overall.

TIP! Melt 2 tablespoons unscented shea butter in a double boiler, remove from heat, and mix in 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil or use a eucalyptus massage oil as a chest rub.

4. Relieves a sore throat In addition to being an anti-inflammatory, eucalyptus oil is also a natural bacteria fighter, both of which help reduce the symptoms of a sore throat.

TIP! Add a drop of eucalyptus essential oil to a cup of warm water and gargle. Do NOT swallow. Or dilute 1 drop in 2 tablespoons of carrier oil and massage it on your neck area.

5. Boosts immune health Eucalyptus oil has been found to stimulate an immune response that reduces the chance of you catching any cold and flu viruses as winter starts. It works by increasing macrophages in the blood which improves your immunity and encourages faster recovery from infections. Macrophages are white blood cells that work by destroying foreign particles.

TIP! Regularly diffuse eucalyptus oil throughout your home before and during the cold season. Don`t forget to ventilate the rooms after the diffusing, because too much diffusing without no fresh air is not supported anymore. So keep the air clean, but fresh!


6. Eases sore muscles and joint pain Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of eucalyptus oil, it helps relieve muscle stiffness, sprains, and strains after strenuous exercise. It can also help reduce the chronic pain, swelling, and inflammation caused by backache, arthritis, and injuries to joints like knees or elbows.

TIP! Rub diluted eucalyptus essential oil onto the sore area in a circular motion. Or find a woolen textile piece and soak it in warm water before you put it on a painful area, massage it with diluted eucalyptus essential oil drop.

7. Alleviates headaches Due to its ability to relieve pressure on the sinuses, eucalyptus oil is most effective in helping to clear up a sinus migraine. However, it has been found to also help relax both the facial muscles and the mind, which could help soothe a headache. Peppermint helps in the same way.

TIP! Massage diluted eucalyptus essential oil into the temples, or alternate a hot and cold eucalyptus compress on the bridge of the nose to relieve sinus pressure.


8. Relieves stress and relaxes the mind The invigorating scent of eucalyptus oil stimulates the senses. This not only helps refresh and re-energize the body but also has a calming, soothing effect on the mind. It can also be used to reduce stress and mood disorders.

TIP! Make a shower spray with an aloe vera hydrosol 30ml bottle and 10-15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and spray it on your shower walls while you take your morning shower.

9. Clears brain fog Eucalyptus oil helps improve focus and concentration. It`s also been found to improve brain function.

TIP! Diffuse 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to refocus the mind, or spray eucalyptus essential oil into the air at work or home. Peppermint helps the same way if that aroma you prefer more.


10. Helps sores and wounds to heal As a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, eucalyptus oil is ideal for use on small cuts, wounds, and burns to keep the germs at bay, reduce pain and promote healing.

TIP! Create an antiseptic wound wash by combining 2 cups of aloe hydrosol and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle. Spray onto a clean cloth and gently wipe down the affected areas twice daily.

11. Soothes insect bites and burns Eucalyptus oil contains chemical compounds that create a tingling reaction on the skin that offers gentle soothing relief for bug bites and burns, helping to reduce redness and pain. Lavender is also very effective in this case!

TIP! Mix 1 to 2 drops of eucalyptus oil with pure aloe vera gel, apply to a cotton ball (or cotton sticks), and dab onto the affected area.

12. Relieves sunburn Due to its ability to reduce redness, relieve pain and soothe burning skin, eucalyptus oil is also ideal for treating sunburn.

TIP! Mix together 2 to 4 drops of eucalyptus oil, one teaspoon of pure aloe vera gel, and 2 ounces of distilled water in a spray bottle. Spray all over the skin for cooling, refreshing relief.

Pure Lavender essential oil is very supportive in this case also!

13. Helps get rid of acne Eucalyptus oil has been found to effectively acne bacteria, and also helps to reduce oil production, two of the conditions that lead to acne. It can also help treat cold sores, cysts, and boils.

TIP! Add 2 drops of eucalyptus to 3 tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel. Mix well, dab onto pimples, or apply as a moisturizer. Tea tree oil is also very effective in this case!

14. Fights fungal infections Eucalyptus oil is packed with some powerful fungal-fighting properties. Use it to treat athletes’ foot, thrush, ringworm, and toenail infections.

TIP! Add 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil to coconut oil and blend into the affected area.


15. Keeps insects and rodents away As a potent natural pest and insect repellent, the scent of eucalyptus oil can chase away moths, rodents, flies, bed bugs, roaches, and mosquitos. It can even control mold and fungus spores.

TIP! Take a 60 ml spray bottle, add 1/4 of vinegar, 3/4 of water, 10 drops of Eucalyptus oil, 10 drops of Lavender, 10 drops of Lemon essential oil, and 10 drops of Tea tree essential oil. Shake the bottle and spray the areas where you need to get rid of the insects and bugs.

16. A natural anti-bacterial cleaner and deodorizer With its pungent fresh scent, eucalyptus oil fights off bad odors from your smelly shoes and trash can to all corners of your home.

TIP! Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil to a cotton ball to drop into your trash can, car, or anywhere else where bad odors lurk. It also keeps kitchen floors and surfaces germ-free.


17. Fights dandruff and lice If you suffer from a dry scalp, eucalyptus may be able to help. As a potent anti-fungal, eucalyptus has also been shown to combat a yeast-like fungus that is the most common cause of dandruff. The active ingredient in eucalyptus oil, 1,8 cineole, has also been shown to be effective in killing head lice.

TIP! Simply mix 2 drops of eucalyptus oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, apply to the scalp, wait 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. For lice, increase the mix to ½ teaspoon of eucalyptus oil with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and leave in for 30-40 minutes. Be sure to patch test beforehand! Lavender essential oil helps in this case also and is very soothing.

18. Stimulates the scalp The well-known anti-inflammatory properties of eucalyptus oil can be used to reduce any scalp irritation which in turn promotes healthier roots and hair growth.

TIP! Add a drop or 2 of eucalyptus oil to your favorite conditioner. Otherwise mix 2 drops of eucalyptus oil with 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil, massage into the scalp, and leave for 20 minutes. Jojoba oil has been shown to promote faster hair growth.


19. Promotes healthy teeth and gums The antibacterial properties of eucalyptus have long been exploited in toothpaste and mouthwash. It’s been found to inhibit the formation of plaque, so fighting the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

20. Keeps bad breath at bay Thanks to the fact that it fights the germs that cause bad breath, eucalyptus also reduces bad mouth odor by gargling. It may also help bad breath by helping to remove excess tongue coating.


If you have any medical condition, please consult with your healthcare professional before you use eucalyptus essential oil. Certain people should avoid it altogether, including babies, young children under 6 years old, pregnant women, and the convalescing or elderly, unless under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

Care must be taken when using asthmatics. Eucalyptus is a potent essential oil so must be diluted before using it for aromatherapy or topically. Patch test some diluted oil on the inside of your upper arm for 24 hours before use. Eucalyptus oil should also never be ingested! As eucalyptus essential oil is highly concentrated, keep out of reach of children. Do not use directly on animals and be aware that cats are particularly sensitive to eucalyptus oil.

Ensure that you always use top-quality essential oils. There's a difference between an essential oil and simply an oil, which is basically a perfume. If a label does not clearly state that it is an 'essential oil,' then it is not a pure oil and should not be used as suggested.


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